Farm shop
Hofladen Pütschai Josom
Craistas 141, Sta. Maria Val Müstair
The Lamprecht family lives in the UNESCO Biosfera Val Müstair Parc Naziunal. Rico and Vreni are at home on the organic farm Pütschai Josom at 1521 m.a.s.l.. Their son Reto and Carmen with their children Julia, Sofia, Niculin and the twins Nino and Jon live further up on the organic farm in Craistas at 1875 m.a.s.l. Together they run in a generation community, the suckler cow farm. On the organic farm Pütschai Josom, which the Lamprecht family was able to lease in 2003 and bought in 2009, they keep some cattle, goats, rabbits and chickens in addition to the suckler cow herd.
The house is up to 900 years old and was renovated in 1978 by the old owner and in 2009/10 by the Lamprechts. However, the old character and soul of the farmhouse have always been preserved. Since 2010, the historic house is now available to our guests for farm vacations.
The second organic farm is located in Craistas and has been run by the Lamprechts for four generations. Until 1990 it was a dairy farm with calf fattening and original Braunvieh breeding. Then Rico took the plunge and converted the farm to suckler cow husbandry and organic farming. Today, all animals of the Limousin breed are marketed directly by the family and no animal is sold wholesale.
The cows and their calves spend the summer on their own alp Tabladatsch where they enjoy the lush alpine herbs and the beautiful view over the valley. In winter they are kept in a free-range barn with permanent outdoor access and are fed only with the farm's own organic hay and silage.
If you want to know more about the Lamprecht family and the farm, come and enjoy a few days in the beautiful UNESCO Biosfera Val Müstair and immerse yourself in the Pütschai Josom experience.
Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.
Opening hours
Craistas 141
7536 Sta. Maria Val Müstair
Von der Schweiz her wird das Münstertal durch eine einzige Strasse erschlossen; sie führt von Zernez aus mitten durch den Schweizer Nationalpark über den Ofenpass (Pass dal Fuorn). Von Italien aus erreicht man das Tal über Meran und das Vinschgau, aus dem Raum München über den Reschenpass. Bei der Fahrt aus dem Unterland bietet sich als nächste Verbindung die Strasse über den Flüelapass an. Seit dem Winter 1999 sorgt der Vereina-Tunnel von Klosters nach Lavin für bessere Verbindungen ins Münstertal.
Pütschai Josom
Reto Lamprecht
Craistas 141
7536 Sta. Maria
081 858 59 93
079 812 59 93
Sales type
- Farm shop
Meat, fish
- Beef and veal
Payment Options
- Cash
- Twint
Business Language
- German