Dormir sur la paille

Erlebnishof Hatti, Schlafen im Stroh

icon-meta-placeAeschi b. Spiez

Sleeping in the straw in small wooden cottages on the large hay barn for 2 to 4 people each.  In addition, 2 small wooden houses for allergy sufferers without straw, each with 2 beds (1 bunk bed).
Take your sleeping bag with you.

Erlebnishof Hatti means experiencing animals up close. Sleeping in the straw for individual guests, families or groups on the organic farm in the Bernese Oberland, 15 minutes from Spiez on the sunny terrace Aeschi .Seperater Aufentahltsraum available. Breakfast from the farm .
Simple guest kitchen available. 2 WC, 2 showers. Large grill and covered fireplace for use with plenty of space.
Suitable for 1 to 3 overnight stays for self-cooking in the evening.
Easy to reach by public transport, no car access, post bus stop 10 minutes walk.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

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Familie Thalmann
Erlebnishof Hatti
Aeschiriedstrasse 11
3703 Aeschi bei Spiez
Icon Kontakt033 654 59 06
