Mammut & Säbelzahntiger. Evolution des Menschen – In einem Land vor unserer Zeit
Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Basel
Sabre-toothed cats, giant deer, dwarf elephants and humans - the evolution of mammals is spectacular. Using selected, rare objects, we show the mammals and their ancestors. The highlight of this exhibition is our famous mammoth.
Today, mammals make up around 8.5% of the entire vertebrate biodiversity. Their history stretches back more than 210 million years to the time of the dinosaurs and their evolution shows adaptations to all environmental conditions. This includes flying forms such as bats, purely aquatic groups such as whales and blind species with subterranean lifestyles such as the golden mole-rat.
The Mammoth & Sabre-toothed Tiger exhibition shows this diversity and its evolution. The odd-toed ungulates horse, rhinoceros and tapir have been known for around 50 million years. Their current low diversity harbors a rich history. The clawed animal on display is impressive proof of this.
At seven million years, human evolution is considerably shorter, but no less breathtaking for that. Our fully plastic reconstructions demonstrate the most important steps.
Despite their name, carnivores are not always pure carnivores. The panda bear, for example, belongs to the group of carnivores, but is almost 100% vegetarian.
The diversity of life on our planet is not only reflected in the almost immeasurable number of species, but also in the different ways of life. The exhibited, long-extinct sabre-toothed cat Megantereon, for example, was a powerful hunter. It could only use its elongated canines as a knife for the killing blow, but not as an offensive weapon.
Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.
Naturhistorisches Museum Basel
Augustinergasse 2
4051 Basilea
- Arte