
Weekly market, Market

Trogen grocer's market

Landsgemeindeplatz, Trogen

Every last Saturday of the month from May to September, the market takes place on the Landsgemeindeplatz from 9 am to 3 pm.

From handmade jewelry and artistic decorations to regional delicacies - as always, the Krämermarkt Trogen promises a wide range of high-quality products. Discover the variety of culinary delights that await you at the various food stalls. From traditional delicacies to modern culinary delights - everyone will find something to suit their taste here. However, the Krämermarkt Trogen is not just a place for shopping, but also creates a warm atmosphere for socializing. Look forward to cozy seating areas where you can sit down with friends and family to share the many impressions. The resulting lively community offers space for conversation, laughter and making new contacts.
Find the difference. Be warmly different.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


28/9/2024   09:00 - 15:00 h


For stand providers: Stand fees CHF 10.- / use of electricity CHF 5.-


9043 Trogen



  • Market
  • Weekly market

Target groups

  • Also recommended for children
  • Open to all
