Martial Arts, Customs, Folklore & Celebrations

Swiss Wrestling and Alpine Festival Glarnerland+ August 29 - 31, 2025

Flugplatz Mollis, Mollis

The Swiss Wrestling and Alpine Festival Glarnerland+ will take place from August 29 - 31, 2025.

"Härzli willkomme" in the Glarus wrestling region

Wrestling is the most popular and original sport in Switzerland. The Glarner Landsgemeinde is the most traditional form of democracy. In 2025, the time has finally come: the biggest wrestling festival is coming to the land of the most original democracy. Our joy is "uumäär" great.

Because what people say about us Glarner:innen is true:  We feel very close to the values of wrestling by nature. Here in Glarus, where "everyone knows everyone", we stick together. We are ONE big family. You too can feel this bond and experience a royal ESAF with us in the midst of the mountains of our homeland. Join us and become part of the family. "We are looking forward to seeing you."

Program follows.


29/8/2025 to 31/8/2025


Tickets will go on sale to the public on June 3, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.

Category 1 (covered seating) : CHF 290.- *.
Category 2 (uncovered seat): CHF 220.- *
Lawn seat/wheelchair space: CHF 180.- *
Standing area: CHF 63.- **
* The seat ticket prices refer to a two-day admission to the Glarnerland Arena for Saturday and Sunday and are exclusive of public transportation and inclusive of VAT.
** The standing ticket is a one-day ticket excluding public transportation and including VAT.

Admission to the festival grounds is free and, in addition to a high-quality entertainment program, offers the opportunity to follow the sporting events in the arena live in a public viewing.


Flugplatz Mollis
8753 Mollis


Verein OK ESAF 2025 Glarnerland+
Netstalerstrasse 44
8753 Mollis
055 552 20 25


  • Alpine live / Alpine Brotherhoods
  • Festivity
  • Historical custom
  • Swing
