Carnival, Other custom / folklore, Historical custom, Festivity

Chäppelihäx and Funggefüür

Heimatmuseum Reinach, Reinach BL

After the cold days, the sun and spring should return. That is why the Chäppelihäx dances around the Funggefüür with the Tüüfel and her many accompanying witches and guests until late into the night.

The association Chäppelihäx brings with the annual Funggefüür and Chäppelihäx an old custom back to Reinach. Behind the Funggefüür is the custom of the spring festivals, as they were already cultivated by our ancestors, and on the other hand the legend of the witch who lives at the Chäppeli: the Chäppelihäx!
Always on the weekend after the Rynacher Fasnacht the big spring festival in Reinach takes place: Funggefüür and Chäppelihäx!

The Chäppelihäx rumbles all year round in its forest at the crossing from Reinach to Therwil, the Chäppeli. She gets particularly violent when her big day is approaching, when she returns to her beloved village to go out to the Funggefür with the devil and her accompanying witches, accompanied by much noise and fire.

The next time is on 25 Hornig 2023, the weekend after the Rynacher Fasnacht. Punctually at 18.30, the Chäppelihäx will arrive at the Ernst Feigenwinter Square and, in addition to celebrating and dancing, will be happy if you are also present at this great festival, which ties in with traditional spring customs - whether as an active participant or simply as a connoisseur.

Active dancers, and those who want to become active dancers, meet already at 6 p.m. at the Ernst-Feigenwinter-Platz in Reinach BL.
Surely you would also like to be active at the Funggefüür and Chäppelihäx. All interested people are welcome, but especially we are looking for:

Faggele- and Chienbäseträger
Treichlet carriers

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


15/3/2025   18:30 h


Participation is free of charge.


Heimatmuseum Reinach
Kirchgasse 9
4153 Reinach BL


Innozenz Schneider
4153 Reinach


  • Carnival
  • Festivity
  • Historical custom
  • Other custom / folklore

Access conditions

  • Free for all
