SwitzerlandMobility is organised by the SwitzerlandMobility Foundation. Its objective is to coordinate and promote non-motorised transport, especially for leisure and tourism in Switzerland.
You can find more information about SwitzerlandMobility here.
Agritourism Switzerland is delighted to announce that as from the end of August 2012, its members who offer accommodation are posted on the SwitzerlandMobility portal, www.schweizmobil.ch − a new distribution channel!
This method of advertising has been made possible thanks to a cooperation alliance formed jointly by SwitzerlandMobility and Agritourism Switzerland. The objectives: to make the offers more widely known and to step up networking.
If you aren't yet familiar with SwitzerlandMobility: over 4 million visits to its homepage make SwitzerlandMobility one of Switzerland's largest and most important leisure portals, and it is supported by numerous different partners, regions and tourism organisations.