la Coué
la Coué
la Coué
la Coué
la Coué
la Coué
la Coué
la Coué
la Coué
la Coué
la Coué
la Coué
la Coué
la Coué

Raising of swine/pigs, Raising of other animals, Raising of horses and other equines, Suckler-cow rearing, Raising of poultry, Young cattle rearing

la Coué

la Coué 1, Travers

Exploitation , bio bourgeon, élevage Natura beef Angus, lapins, porcs, chevaux, ânes,poney, poules, poulets et chiens.


la Coué 1
2105 Travers


la Coué
Francois & Raphaël Beck
la Coué 1
2105 Travers


  • Raising of horses and other equines
  • Raising of poultry
  • Raising of swine/pigs
  • Suckler-cow rearing
  • Young cattle rearing
  • Raising of other animals

Kind of production

  • Farm community

Business Language

  • French
